Individual Mutual Fund Investors, who completed KYC prior to Jan. 1, 2012, are required to submit ‘missing/not available’ KYC (Know Your Customer) information and complete the IPV (In Person Verification) for investing in a new mutual fund after Nov. 30, 2012. SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) vide circular MIRSD/SE/Cir-21/2011 dated October 5, 2011 […]
A lot of NRIs have shown interest in transferring funds from NRO to NRE since the notification came out on May 7, 2012. However, very few have actually transferred funds. This is mainly due to the lack of awareness or experience in newly issued notification in case of NRIs, Banks as well as Chartered Accountants. […]
I have been receiving lot of inquiries whether to transfer, when to transfer, whether to break NRO FD to transfer funds out of NRO to NRE accounts and many more. My answer has been and is always going to be Break FD and Transfer funds AS SOON AS POSSIBLE provided total cost of premature withdrawal […]
Currently, there are lots of negatives news, events and circumstances related to Indian Market such as India’s Rating India has lowest Investment grade rating by rating agencies (BBB-). One more downgrade will change its status to non-investment grade i.e. Junk S&P has negative outlook on India i.e. there is higher probability of downgrade than upgrade […]